13 edycja Festiwalu Kalejdoskop!



,,The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them

into the impossible.”

Arthur C. Clarke

So many limits to cross. So many opportunities to meet.

#kalejdoskopfestival #letscrossthelimits

Each edition of the Kalejdoskop festival serves its participants primarily for the meeting. A happy, festive meeting – in accordance with the original meaning of the word ,,festival”. The celebration, as intended by the creators of Kalejdoskop, should be interpreted at many levels. Here we gather together, we talk, we celebrate our time and the opportunity to exchange ideas and impulses to create new ones.
This year, during the 14th edition of the Kalejdoskop festival, we invite you to cross the borders together and individually. As every year, we approach the theme as variously as possible.

A very diverse project

 During the festival, a project based on procedural work will be realized. Its main strength is the meeting of two well-known artists: Marta Ladjanszki and Barbara Bujakowska and four young talented dancers and choreographers. This meeting will become the starting point for the search and motivation movement. How will it end? What will the results be? - we will find out only during the festival. We let ourselves to be a little unaware of this and seek for the new quality of movement and action strategy. We will also see the intriguing penetration of what the project mentors brought and what the participants will bring in. The viewers will watch the etudes of the artists beginning their careers as well as the works of the artists already recognized. The final will be an open show of work in progress - a demonstration of the structure over which work is underway - the product of the cooperation of all the parties of the project. We hope to inspire young artists to develop further cooperation in the future.


Limitations, contractual or literal boundaries are the inspirational theme for the creators.


Together with the Rozbark Theatre and Anna Piotrowska's ,,Lost in the Skin" show, we will take a closer look at, among other things, the limits of our body's endurance.

Do we still respond to its needs? To the needs of other bodies?


Pushing the boundaries, also literally, is the subject of a shattering Aurora Lubos’ performance "Witajcie/ Welcome".It is devoted to the very up-to-date and highly discussed topic of refugees crossing through the countries and seas to escape from war, famine and threat.

Paweł Grala’s ,,Stencil” takes place in a limited (and limitative) space where human everyday life is rhythmically happening.

Anita Wach in the performance of "100 toasts"boldly crosses the line between the representing and represented, between the audience and the creator. She doesn’t hesitate to use radical, bold and not always serious images and tools. Get ready to cross over your beliefs about what is acceptable and what is not in the theatre.

"The mechanical dreams" by Barbara Bujakowska is a search through Oskar Schlemmer's accomplishments clashed with the idea of the contemporary choreography.

There will also be a performance of Dada von Bzdulow and an intriguing game with identity in Maciej Kuźmiński's spectacle "Dominique", performed by Dominik Więcek, many times awarded for this creation.

Meetings without any barriers

Spectacles and festival projects are interactions with the audience. After we leave the stage and the auditorium we will meet again - this time at numerous festival events. After the performances we invite you to talk to the artists. Our ornings will be filled with the discussions about trends and projects in "Inna Bajka".


Welcome to Białystok #letscrossthelimits